Mineral County Health Official Says We Can All Do Our Part to Slow COVID-19 Spread

As the number of COVID-19 cases continues to rise in the Mountain State, Mineral County Health Department Administrator AJ Root says we as a community can all do our part to slow the spread. Root says wearing masks, social distancing and frequent hand washing/sanitizing of hands are the best ways to keep number of cases low. Wearing a mask protects those around you. Social distancing limits the chances of COVID-19 droplets from spreading from one individual to another. Hand washing and sanitizing as well as not touching the mouth, eyes, or nose help eliminate or reduce self-contamination. For more information on COVID-19 you may visit www.mineralcountyhealthdepartment.com , visit our Facebook page or go to the CDC website at www.cdc.gov (COVID-19 tab).  To hear the interview click here https://soundcloud.com/amanda-mangan/aj-root-for-pht