Be the Best: No worries, Maryland is

MIKE BURKE Allegany Communications Sports It was an enormous weekend for University of Maryland athletics, as the baseball team was selected as the No. 15 seed in the NCAA Tournament as well as the top seed and the host school for one of the first-round regionals, the College Park Regional, for the first time in…

Which ballpark is the ballpark for you?

MIKE BURKE Allegany Communications Sports I am very fortunate to have been able to visit many big-league ballparks, and many of the best ballparks in the big leagues, in my time – two in Baltimore, two in Pittsburgh, two in Washington, two in Cleveland, two in Philadelphia, Yankee Stadium, Fenway, Wrigley, Kansas City, St. Louis,…

The Rebuild is officially on

MIKE BURKE Allegany Communications Sports The $10 bleacher seats for last Thursday’s Yankees-Orioles matinee at Oriole Park were sold out, so our very able ticket purchaser instead secured us two Bob Uecker seats in one — dead center field, but also in the front rowwww … Overlooking the playing field atop the batter’s eye wall…

Birthday card to a friend

MIKE BURKE Allegany Communications Sports Brooks Robinson never had Marilyn Monroe sing “Happy Birthday, Mr. Third Baseman” to him on his birthday. Brooks Robinson has always had his family and friends, and a million little kids from the Wonder Years wish him a happy birthday, even as those same little kids are now in our…

NBA recognizes what never would have been

MIKE BURKE Allegany Communications Sports It was a very appropriate touch made by the NBA last week when it announced the Most Valuable Player awards in the Eastern Conference finals and the Western Conference finals would, effective immediately, be the Larry Bird and Earvin “Magic” Johnson MVP awards respectively. In addition, the Eastern and Western…

You just gotta love baseball

MIKE BURKE Allegany Communications Sports How poorly are things going for the Cincinnati Reds these days? Very poorly, as witnessed by their mere 9 wins through the first 35 games of the season. A lot of us around here can certainly empathize. A lot of us can even say we’ve seen worse – much worse;…

A very happy Mother’s Day to you, Scout

MIKE BURKE Allegany Communications Sports Sunday, of course, is Mother’s Day, and I shall raise my glass and count my blessings for the joy of having lived my life in what my mother called her “Sphere of Influence.” Which is to say I live on planet Earth. My mother was Colleen, but once you had…


MIKE BURKE Allegany Communications Sports You’re watching a lot of Major League Baseball these days? You’re watching some? If you are you’ve noticed a lot of hard-hit balls, or, as the new analytics vernacular has it, “barreled up” at high “exit velocity,” die in the air like a kite and gently fall into an outfielder’s…